Friday, August 20, 2010

Treatment and Management for Sciatica by Teh

Aim of treatment: is to address the inflammation.


1. Bed rest

Prescribed bed rest in order to offer relief for aching bones and joints. However, Research in recent years has suggested that bed rest alone will not offer relief for those suffering from nerve pain such as sciatica.

2. Exercises

Staying active may be more beneficial for those who suffer from back pain. Activity means being up and mobile for periods of time that are not enough to cause further pain and aggravation to your back. Some physicians may prescribe specific exercises, or some may simply suggest walking.

Stretches and exercises are one of the most effective methods of treating many types of back pain. In fact, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states on their web site that "exercise may be the most effective way to speed recovery from low back pain."

By learning a few safe, effective stretches and exercises, most people can find relief of their low back pain. Be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any stretching or exercise program.

Exercises include:

1. Stretched Extension

back extension stretch

2. Rotation stretch

back stretch

3. Sideways bending

4. Harmstring Stretch

back stretch exercise hamstring

5. Abdominal Crunch

back exercise

6. Ball crunches

back strengthening

7. Planks

plank exercise for back pain

8. Press

Shoulder back exercise

3. Pain reliever (drugs)

Pain is best treated with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as ibuprofen

In some cases anti-inflammatory drug may be injected into the epidural space surrounding the spinal column. This procedure is similar to the epidural used during childbirth, and it's called an epidural steroid injection. A course of this type of treatment may offer temporary relief, but does not address the root of the problem

*once the pain subsides, exercises and physical therapy are helpful.

4. Heat packs, ice packs

Helps to soothe the muscles that are painful in sciatica


Some patients with sciatica may find significant relief from surgery. In cases of herniated discs, a surgical procedure called a laminectomy may be performed. In this procedure, a portion of the posterior arch is removed to relieve pressure on pinched nerve tissues.

In cases of spinal stenosis, the portion of bone that is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve system can be removed.

Surgery is not for everyone. However, for those who have shown no sign of improvement in four to six weeks with the treatment mentioned above,and who have had CT scans (computed tomography) or MRI that show a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, surgery may offer significant relief.


Acknowledge the patient that social and psychological factors play a role in the severity of a perception of back pain. The way the patient perceives and copes with the pain at the beginning of the acute attack may actually condition the patient to either recover or develop a chronic condition. Those who ever respond to pain and fear for their long term outlook tend to feel out of control and become discouraged, increasing their long term problems

Studies also suggest that patient who have long prolong distress have less favourable outcomes after surgeries.

Recognizing the social factors is a strong in many cases of low back pain, can help determine the full range of treatment options


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