Saturday, October 23, 2010

Thank you Group G!

Dearest Group G=)

All I can say is that is has been a wonderful semester working with you guys and ladies. It was really a big change from my previous PCL group and I guess every group works differently.

I had fun listening to everyone's presentations and also had a fair share of laughter and joy.

This semester, unknowingly, disappeared from our sight and slipped out through our hands. Now we have come to the end of our 1st yr of the MBBS journey. All I can say is, I have made more friendships, forged more new bonds that I'm sure would stand the test of time.

Dependable, reliable and trustworthy, you people make me feel that I could fall back and rely on all of you at any time. Everyone in the group is just so forthcoming and helpful. A big thank you to all who actually helped Chloe and me during that car accident, we really appreciate your help. :)

Enough of sad stuff aside, I'm sure all of us had times we could look back and ponder. Times we can smile and reminiscence when we have graduated, or maybe when we ourselves become lecturers and teach the future doctors or even when we are grey and old.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize if I have done any wrong to anyone unknowingly and caused any harm. I did not mean it and I would be man enough to say I'm sorry. =)

Anyway MBBS is one year down, and four more years to go. Do your best for the upcoming exams everyone:) I'm sure all of you would be studying hard and having books that are disintegrating. ALL the best. May all of you be blessed, healthy, happy and contented with life, after all we are quite lucky to not be born with any of the birth defects we see during lectures, so don't screw up your life.

I promise to be there for everyone in times of need and please do just drop a message, I would help you to the best I can. I promise. :)

All that is said and done is over, all the best group G and a big thank you to Dr Amudha. It has been an utmost pleasure having you as our PCL tutor. Meticulous and fun, you excellently facilitated our PCL and allowed us to mature and grow as individuals, as future doctors. Kudos.

Warmest Regards

Lincoln L.

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